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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spring Training

It seems like forever ago when Buster Posey caught the last strike of the 2010 World Series! I have watched the off season wheeling and dealing. The deals that some teams have made clearly reflect the economy, as they buy generic or geriatric! Others throw a wad of cash and come out looking like geniuses.

I grew up a New York Yankees fan and was sad when we moved to Tampa Bay and found no professional sports at all! We did get the Rowdies, a very fun professional soccer team but the void left with no baseball or football was huge. The Bucs came along and although my heart belonged to the Washington Redskins, I adapted. College baseball became my fix. The USF Bulls had some success and it was a lot of fun to go to their games but it just wasn't the same. Then the Tampa Yankees became my dose of baseball. We saw many future stars get their start on the same field that the USF Bulls played on. This was well before Legends Field, now known as Steinbrenner Field, was ever thought of. My oldest daughter developed a crush on a teen aged Derek Jeter there. We watched Andy Pettitte grow into a pitching phenom and believe it or not, Mariano Rivera's English hasn't always been as good as it is now!

My first Spring Training game of the season is this Saturday. I find myself wondering what I will wear. I need to buy sunscreen. Is there room in my score book for more than a few games? How weird will it be to look up at the Boss's box and not see him sitting there, signing baseballs for the kids and giving them hats? I am certain it will be weird!

Is it Saturday yet?

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