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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The day after the verdict

Yesterday Casey Marie Anthony was found not guilty for the murder of her daughter, 3 year old Caylee Marie Anthony. Along with millions of others, I watched as the verdicts were read. Okay, so the DA failed to prove his case on the murder charges. Not knowing when or how that baby died would make it a difficult task. What I really don't get is how she was found guilty only of lying to law enforcement. If she was not guilty of the crimes that she was accused of, what did she lie about? Not only that, but the fact that she knew that her child was missing, for over a month, and didn't report it would indicate that she was guilty of something. Child neglect is what comes to my mind.

How will she move forward? I imagine that her father won't want to be too involved in her life, after all she did allow her defense team to accuse him of sexual abuse. I can't imagine she will have an easy time of it finding a job, though I bet she could make a small fortune on book and movie deals so a job may not be necessary.

Moreover how will we, as a society, move forward? Will we be jaded with regard to the justice system? Will citizens try harder to get out of jury duty, or perhaps stop trying to get out of it? Will Casey Marie Anthony try to find the real killer? I pray that soon the Orange County Sheriff's Office will find that Caylee was abducted and killed by a stranger, find that stranger and bring him or her to justice. Only then will I be able to feel good about all of those "not guilty" verdicts. I just saying.....

1 comment:

  1. I agree! She might make money on a book or movie but the rest of her life will not be easy or good. It's very apparent of how many people dislike her. I hope guilt gets the best of her if she truely did lie to the court and everyone else. Its what she has to live with for the rest of her life; however long that is.
